Keynote Speaker
Rick Allegretto
Leader & Missionary with Youth With A Mission
Rick and his wife, Karen, have been married for 46 years have three children and 11 grandchildren. In 1977, Rick and Karen joined Youth With A Mission, they have served with YWAM for 44 years.
Rick has led training schools and YWAM ministry centers in New Jersey, Florida, and along the border of Mexico and Texas. In 1989, Rick accepted the newly formed regional director role to help develop leaders and ministries for 36 nations in the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico. In 1988 there were fewer than 10 YWAM locations; today, more than 65 YWAM locations have hundreds of full-time YWAM missionaries.
Rick served on YWAM's Executive Leadership Team—which eventually became the Global Leadership Team—for 25 years. Rick has had a goal to train nationals for missionary service in the 10/40 Window and helped launch missionaries to these areas.
In 2004, Rick and Karen relocated to serve with Youth With A Mission Tyler, where Rick serves as Vice President. Rick has taught throughout the United States, Latin America, and Asia and worked with new initiatives to advance the gospel to some of the world's most unreached people.
Ministry highlights include:
• Serving to strengthen and train the next generation of missionaries in the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico and YWAM Tyler satellite ministries and staff.
• Serving the underground church in Asia.
• Training leaders in the house church movement.
• Leading YWAM missionaries to South Korea to minister to North Korean refugees.
Rick has served and continues to serve as a mentor, developing leaders and ministries.
Youth With A Mission Tyler
Youth With A Mission Tyler is an effective training and sending center for YWAM, annually training and sending hundreds from and to many nations to share the gospel in the United States and many nations, including several of the least reached. YWAM Tyler began ministries in the US, including New Orleans, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Chicago, Keyser, WV, Alamogordo, NM, Florida, and more. YWAM Tyler has an average of 200 missionary staff serving at three local campuses, including a K-12 Christian school, a maternity home, and a state-licensed adoption agency. YWAM Tyler runs multiple training schools, has an active strategic frontiers' ministry, MercyWorks—a disaster relief ministry, family ministries, and more.
Worship by:
John is a native Alamogordoan and currently serves at Christ Community Church. He graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University in 2007, and entered full time worship ministry shortly after.
John somehow tricked his beautiful wife Acacia to marry him in 2009, and they now have 3 wonderful children together, Isaac, Shiah, and Aliza Cantu.
John serves as an associate pastor at CCC, where he leads men's ministry and Celebrate Recovery, assists with worship, and preaches whenever he's told to.
He loves his family and church family, loves this city, and loves the Lord.
His favorite verse is Psalm 119:32:
"He set my heart free so I can run the way of His commands."